This is the photo of the room before we purchased the house 6 years ago. It was being used as an office and really had no personality.
When we bought the house, I decided to keep using the room as my office but I quickly grew out of the space. My business launched and I realized that I needed studio space because this tiny room was overflowing with my supplies. (only you can't see the closet behind where everything was jammed in)
Secretly, I was only too happy to re-imagine this space and my color choices!
What I really needed was a guest room and even though my space is not very big (9 x 12) it would be the perfect size for a guest bedroom. So come on down the hall ... it's the first room on the left.
I painted the room a lovely cafe au lait color (it was custom mixed - actually it started out as a big mistake and with the help of Philips Paint in Concord we were able to add a little of this and a little of that to come up with a pleasing shade) and we brightened up all the trim and mouldings with White Opulence by Benjamin Moore.
Our builder installed bead-board to the back wall to give the room some much needed architecture. The bead-board also became a headboard of sorts for the bed. The bed is a regular queen sized bed but appears much larger because we had a custom bed-frame made years ago in London. The bed-frame has the bed sitting much higher - it's kind of like being in the story of "The Princess and the Pea".
Over the bed I installed my new "Egg Series" by Nelley Kelley. The frames are so sweet - I'm thinking that I will begin to offer select artwork in frames on my website. The frames are antique white with a gold frame surrounding the artwork.
Dont' forget to add some greenery somewhere - it makes the rooms feel so much more alive and welcoming.
Remember it's a guest room. Don't forget the night light so your guests can see where they are. I'm using one of my Nelley Kelley "eggs in a nest" night lights.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the tour and the makeover. I have to say that I love seeing this room each day that I pass it by. It is now snug and warm and helps to make the house feel finished.
sneak peek of next week's blog on new products and art |
See you next week,